Virtual Teaching Resources
These online resources offer free services to help you teach well in an online setting. Some work better than others for certain disciplines. Consider your needs and explore what might work best for you.
A screenshot recording tool that allows you to video your computer screen while you narrate and teach.
A survey and quiz creator that teachers can use for student feedback, games, assessment, and generating interest.
An online shared whiteboard "surface" that teacher and students can write on simultaneously during a live online class.
A graphic organizer tool that allows you to create flow charts and mindmaps to help students brainstorm or demonstrate comprehension of related concepts.
A post-it-note style board that organizes lists of ideas and information by topic, person, or category.
Discover video-based lessons created on a variety of educational topics or use their software to create your own lessons to share with the TedEd community.
Take your students on a scientific virtual field trip on many unique locations throughout the world on Arizona State University's free interactive site.
Field trip style viewings of artwork from famous museums around the world.
A collaborate drawing space where teacher and students can work on the same piece of 2D art simultaneously.
An online video editing program with drag-and-drop features for video, photos, and sound.
An online word processor that allows students to annotate a text in real time, collaboratively.
A unique online dictionary that presents definitions in a web of synonyms and related concepts, illustrated like miniature word universes.
An online program that allows students to create a computer-based visual storyboard.
A music creation program from Ableton that allows students to experiment with rhythms, melodies, and layers as they create tracks and learn music concepts along the way.
An e-book library of more than 66,000 public domain titles of literature.
Google Lit Trips provide a creative video field trip in Google Earth for characters in famous literary texts.
An online sketchpad surface for students to make 2D art.
A program that allows you to create a visual timeline. Could be used to as a learning activity in your lesson or as a tool for students to use on a project.