
Inquire about a partnership with SMARTS

Types of SMARTS Community Programming

SMARTS provides free, after-school classes to adults and PK-12 students in fall, spring, and summer sessions. The classes occur at SMARTS historic downtown facility in Youngstown, Ohio, and online through Virtual SMARTS. To learn about our class offerings and to be eligible for enrollment, please first complete a New Student Application. All students are accepted and classes are free to all students. Classes are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

During the School Day or After-School Teaching

Classes are offered in visual art, music, dance, theater, and creative writing.

SMARTS Arts Integration

Classes are offered in visual art, music, dance, theater, and creative writing.

SMARTS Beats and Empowers

A SMARTS education teaches students to think and create like artists. SMARTS classes teach students the process of making art while letting them decide what kind of artist they want to be.


A SMARTS education teaches students to think and create like artists. SMARTS classes teach students the process of making art while letting them decide what kind of artist they want to be.

Virtual SMARTS

A SMARTS education teaches students to think and create like artists. SMARTS classes teach students the process of making art while letting them decide what kind of artist they want to be.

SMARTS Artist-in-Residence

Early Childhood Initiative, Beats and Empowers, bilingual offerings, media arts department, etc.

SMARTS Arts in Non-Arts Spaces

Discover an artist at work in a place you wouldn't expect.

Learn more about SMARTS Community Partnerships

What do SMARTS Partners say?


David Quest

Deus forma auroram sine volucres mixta frigore. Formas persidaque praebebat pendebat. Caesa consistere vis fratrum suis locis! Silvas campoque terras coeptis homo rudis fronde.


Jennifer Barrett

Deus forma auroram sine volucres mixta frigore. Formas persidaque praebebat pendebat. Caesa consistere vis fratrum suis locis! Silvas campoque terras coeptis homo rudis fronde.

Questions about getting started? Drop us a line to find out more!

Effervescere quicquam tepescunt tegi agitabilis mentes mutatas.