SMARTS The World of Paper | SMARTS Functional Totes, Grades 4-12


SMARTS The World of Paper, Grades 4-12 (Malorie M)

**Warning: We will be mixing chemicals Ammonium Ferric Citrate & Potassium Ferricyanide. These chemicals are not toxic or poisonous. However, they are irritants, if they touch the skin or eyes they could cause skin to itch. We will follow all safety precautions. *** (gloves, safety glasses)

Students must abide by our rules; horse playing will not be tolerated.

Quite simply, there are so many things that you can do with paper. We will create our own unique books and journals, and decorate its pages with our customized stamps and images. Printmaking is just the beginning. We will experiment with various techniques such as Lino and cyanotype printing. Cyanotype printing is done through the process of a chemical reaction and UV light. The process creates a blue – print, hence it is the retired process that was used to recreate blueprints and technical drawings. It remains an interesting technique to print images and experiment with as well. We will be working with inks and dyes, so wear play clothes. Let’s see what we can create together!!! Students must bring their own labeled lunch and drink.


 SMARTS Functional Totes, Grades 4-12 (Marguerite P)

We are all about making things that are beautiful, unique and personal. This class is no different. We will take plain, ordinary, fabric tote bags and customize them. By way of paint, macramé, buttons, patches or pins, we will transform our totes into unique works of art. Functional and beautiful pieces that we can use to carry books, clothes, and whatever else we may need. Feel free to bring scrap fabric, a tassel, charms, an old favorite t-shirt, or some printmaking tips – whatever interests you and could be used to elevate your tote and give it some pizazz! Students must bring their own labeled lunch and drink.

The SMARTS Double Duty of this pairing is an opportunity to explore the versatility of inks and dyes, in addition to pushing the boundaries of making art of ordinary daily objects.